Tech IndustryFeb 26, 2022

Not sure which company to choose, you guys have any inputs

MICROSOFT at Atlanta, level 60 is giving TC of 145k . Some company which Is local to Ohio not fang it is just an other company name caresource in Dayton ,,Ohio is giving same TC 150k. 145k microsoft in atlanta where cost of living js expensive. Fyi . 1 bedroom apt rent Is 1500. Other side caresource.com150k in Dayton Ohio where cost of living js very less. FYI single bedroom is 700. Here i just gave examples of room rent to say about cost of living differences. Not sure which one to choose. Any inputs FYI, my YOE ID 3.5 years.

Google bytecave2 Feb 26, 2022

Microsoft benefits are pretty great plus it’s a decent name to have on your resume.

Apple Kyribi Feb 26, 2022

I agree. Name matters.

Microsoft HeBl17 Feb 27, 2022

Exactly ^^^

Workday hbggj Feb 26, 2022

For $5k difference Microsoft. No question about it.

Capital One LHxM80 Feb 26, 2022

Hands down Microsoft. It open doors for companies that pay at least 300k

Spotify spoemp Feb 26, 2022

You'll get any interview you want in 2 yrs with Microsoft on your resume.

Oracle chaprii Feb 26, 2022

Ask for at least L61 given your YOE.

Workday hbggj Feb 26, 2022

Stepping stone TC anyways

CrowdStrike 7j8k9l5g4 Feb 26, 2022


Abrigo abcyalla Feb 26, 2022

Easy choice, Microsoft. It is almost certainly a better job now and it is definitely much better for your profile if you look to pivot in the future.

Microsoft red wolf Feb 27, 2022

Microsoft Things you don't know 1. You can get 10k in 401k match 2. 1.5% bump via ESPP 3. Perks plus (1.5k) 4. HSA contribution (2k) 5. L60 is entry level, TC will almost double at L63 6. You can move to FANG and further upgrade your pay. 7. one of the most profitable companies in the planet vs one whose name can not be shared 8. Brand value, recruiters will chase you down for the brand vs you will be chasing receuiters for an opportunity 9. If you do really good you will get SSA( don't bet on this) 10. You might be randomly given SSA ( I got 65k, 85k) due to hot job market.

SITA uniqu OP Feb 27, 2022

I didn't understand 3rd point..

Microsoft red wolf Feb 27, 2022

Sorry it's called perks plus these days. Every year you get 1.5k which can be used for gym membership/exercise equipment /sports equipment etc.

AirPro Diagnostics hvCR10 Jun 21, 2022

Where did you end up going?