Tech IndustryJan 8, 2019

Facebook’s toxic work culture and performance review system

This is why I left. Never got good at the people / politics thing and was exhausted from stress after almost 4 years of being there. Uber is more upfront as a culture right now and we openly talk about what went wrong and how we want to fix the problems. We have work to do still but everyday is not as stressful. Facebook thinks they are perfect so you have to pretend that everything is great no matter how miserable you are. @facebook @uber

Facebook described as 'cult-like' by ex-employees: Dissent discouraged, everyone must appear happy
Facebook described as 'cult-like' by ex-employees: Dissent discouraged, everyone must appear happy
Facebook tuscan Jan 8, 2019


Uber zwXg60 OP Jan 8, 2019

More than what FB was paying me... way more

Facebook tuscan Jan 8, 2019

Okay. I need to start preparing

Oracle xhw j h z Jan 8, 2019

if those guys didn’t smell they would have been piped

Salesforce 🥃#neat Jan 8, 2019

OP, do you think Facebook will learn like Uber and ultimately improve the culture? I see so many FB employees posting on Blind that they’re miserable but staying for the $. IMO, other companies pay competitively [enough] and a toxic culture isn’t worth the extra TC. I’ve turned down offers for more TC from LinkedIn and FB during my 7+ year tenure at Salesforce because of culture and management team.

Facebook moveslow🐌 Jan 8, 2019

Damn, published right on time as the cycle just closed yesterday. Very good timing. But I have always been told that there’s not a forced curve?

Facebook tuscan Jan 8, 2019

FB is great at making engineers disappear (PIP)

Facebook >> Jan 8, 2019

There’s no forced curve until you get to mashups of ~150 engineers. So basically no forced curve.

Facebook BaseFook Jan 8, 2019

The article forgot to mention that the system rewards bullshitters and brown nosers who thrive on fake perception without actually doing any meaningful work.

Oath minou Jan 8, 2019

Holy shit right

Airbnb nbbhcc Jan 8, 2019

That’s true at every larger company.

Yahoo Whtvr Jan 8, 2019

Sounds like the same shit in most tech companies. Name one that doesn’t do this?

Pinterest borgh Jan 8, 2019

That is how most of life is, the faster you accept the less you get frusturated.

Intuit tgfi May 10, 2019

Same shit everywhere, I’d rather do it with better pay.

Uber Jgfsrgbcxs Jan 9, 2019

Does google have forced curve fitting ?

Facebook in$ta Jan 9, 2019


Uber Jgfsrgbcxs Jan 9, 2019

But google doesnt seem to fire people, looks like a retirement place

Reddit y34bas Jan 10, 2019

Finance has been like this for 40 years now and they have been able to get good people join for ever, bec they pay well enough. As long as FB pays great, employees will take shit like this and play the game. If you have a 3M mortgage, 2 kids in private school and want to go to St Bart’s for summer vacation you better smile and look excited when your boss is talking to you.

Facebook NIju11 Jan 11, 2019

Lol right on buddy