Tech IndustryApr 19, 2021

Recruiters should make 1/5 of their current salary

Why do recruiters deserve the high salary for work literally any highschooler can do? I agree recruiters are necessary so why can't companies just hire more of them and pay them less? There would be faster response time, no ghosting, and more actual engineering productivity. Do you agree?

734 Participants
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Expedia Group HcRx70 Apr 19, 2021

how much do they get

UtIuTU7y2h OP Apr 19, 2021

Can easily go beyond 300k for like 5 yoe at tech companies

Expedia Group HcRx70 Apr 19, 2021


Nordstrom deadgirl😵 Apr 19, 2021

Clever way to find out how many recruiters are here

Walmart wakanda4vr Apr 19, 2021

Recently went through a bunch of interviews, and I can tell you recruiters make a world of difference. Got a high TC offer because the recruiter really coached me on how to handle the executive interview round, and was then available on weekends as well to answer my questions on the offer. Can tell from my experience that they work really hard and deserve every bit of whatever they are making now , may be even more

UtIuTU7y2h OP Apr 19, 2021

Ok.. that's their job.

Workday JackHarlow Apr 19, 2021

Agree with Walmart. Much better to have a fewer number of recruiters that are high quality than a ton of shit recruiters.

Micron tuckfrumpp Apr 19, 2021

1/5 is too much given how often they ghost people. I think their pay should also be reconsidered and not just conversion rate alone. Btw just curious - are they PIPed too ?

UtIuTU7y2h OP Apr 19, 2021

Lol idk what criteria they have for a pip. Maybe if they forget how to type into the linkedin search bar or something 🤣

Micron tuckfrumpp Apr 19, 2021


Oracle ORCL🚀 Apr 19, 2021

recruiter role can be eliminated alltogether

Google awYf30 Apr 19, 2021

For the same reason most engineers get paid so much and are about as good as the average high schooler would be 🤷‍♂️

UtIuTU7y2h OP Apr 19, 2021

You're completely delusional, almost no highschooler can come close to an engineer's technical skills. Yet almost every single highschooler can easily do any recruiter job effortlessly.

Batmaan Apr 19, 2021

What about PMs? There are projects where there are more managers than actual folks working. In a meeting, there will be max 2-3 folks actually working and 5 folks managing, LOL!!! WT$

Oracle ORCL🚀 Apr 19, 2021

others in line QA, BA, program coordinators, hr coordinators, program managers

Reddit 🗞️💎 🧤 Apr 20, 2021

QA has very high variance. Some cause more damage than they are paid but the best QA is easily worth as much as any IC engineer. Being able to induce complex failures reliably is an art few are able to master. To be more clever than the cleverest ICs is no easy feat. But too many view QA as a backdoor way into dev work. They are mostly trash and should be disposed of.

Flatiron Health t5&574Cj Apr 19, 2021

If OP is so confident then maybe there's a business opportunity. Create a SaaS-enabled recruiting firm that standardizes internal knowledge and procedures so entry-level folks can just hop in and start matching candidates to job openings with minimal effort. As for me I voted 'no'. I suspect the compensation in recruiting is probably at least *somewhat* reflective of the difficulty of recruiting and the competitiveness of the market. I also think OP is pointing at the top end of the recruiting market but there are probably a lot of mediocre recruiters making mediocre salaries too.

UtIuTU7y2h OP Apr 19, 2021

Buddy, difficulty of recruiting is myth. There's thousands of well qualified candidates at every moment. If you've ever seen an engineering manager post a single job posting on linkedin, it gets flooded by so many well qualified candidates. Stop trying to justify how hard it is to search for 'engineer @ xyz'

Flatiron Health t5&574Cj Apr 19, 2021

Sup friendo, you're the one posting with 100% confidence not me. You have a billion dollar business you should go start. You know the magic formula of recruiting, which is hires tons of HS grads and give them verbatim scripts. Go shake up the market and prove recruiters are overvalued. But that's not going to happen, you're just here to complain and be bitter. Maybe recruiting is mostly BS as you say but spend 15 seconds thinking of reasons why it might not be.

Cisco mAwg00 Apr 19, 2021

I was kind of surprised how much they make at good companies. Doesn't seem like that touch of a job.

UtIuTU7y2h OP Apr 19, 2021

Its not. Go watch their activities for even a day, they'll be casually searching and posting bullshit on linkedin or planning an intern event. Literally not a job worth paying more than $50k

Cisco mAwg00 Apr 19, 2021

Friend is one for a tech company we've all heard of. Makes good money and works a few hours a top he says. He said the competition for being a "great" recruiter is pretty slim so it's easy to stand out

Amazon drytexvno Apr 19, 2021

Most startups don’t have recruiters anyways. Big tech can afford to throw money at recruiters.