Google rejection after bad Internship

A while back, I did a Google SWE internship, didn't get a return offer. Reached all my goals (including reach goals) but didn't have good code quality. Am reapplying now, but I got straight up rejected, no interview. Is this legit? Would a bad or any no-offer internship result in a perma or semi-permanent blacklisting for a while, contrary to what people say?

Uber T3B3 Sep 8, 2017

Why not just stay where you are?

Facebook jr77930 OP Sep 8, 2017

To be honest, it's another internship. I didn't get the return offer - but I'd argue that it was also a decent portion due to a bad team fit / manager interaction. I had a really bad experience (along with every intern that I had a chance to interact with) that I would not have seriously given an offer thought if I had received one, so I suppose that's fine.

Uber Dyugd Sep 8, 2017

It looks like that you are really lucky but have you thought about that maybe, just maybe it is not bad luck but something to do with yourself? Not hard to get a return offer, not really but you passed them by twice. Good luck.

Google hellomoto1 Sep 9, 2017

Don't worry too much. Google has a one year wait period for your scenario, IIRC. So the reject might be due to that. Given you have new internship (significant change in resume), they should reconsider you sooner.

Google hellomoto1 Sep 9, 2017

may need to ping old recruiter to highlight the resume update. good luck.

Facebook jr77930 OP Sep 9, 2017

Thank you! I'll give it a few months, and then try again.