Tech IndustryMar 18, 2023

P&G - Anyone working in Geneva?

Hi everyone, Currently working in Berlin, and I’d like to relocate somewhere else because I don’t really like it here. A recruiter reached out for a position at P&G in Geneva (EU citizen, no visa needed). Is anyone working at P&G in Geneva? How is it overall: the work culture, office, etc? Thanks a lot! Current TC: €75k YoE: 4

GetYourGuide QsRgUkP Mar 18, 2023

If you want to move to Geneva, you have to know French. People there don't like to speak English. Also rents and taxes are expensive compared to other cities in Switzerland and salaries are not that high. I would target the German parts of Switzerland. No clue about P&G.

Delivery Hero IWant0ut OP Mar 18, 2023

I speak French, but unfortunately don’t speak any German (don’t plan to learn it either). That’s why I’m targeting English/French/Italian/Spanish speaking countries.

Red Bull DqDA63 Mar 18, 2023

If you’re not a German speaking native I would not recommend the German parts of Switzerland or any German speaking place outside Berlin. Most expats I know struggle really badly in that part of the world and barely last 1 year, mainly due to everything being closed all the time. It’s a pretty brutal way to live when you’re used to living in modern civilisation.

pKPF75 Mar 18, 2023

Not my experience. I’m a native English speaker with, barely, A1 level German. I’ve lived in Basel for over 3 years. (Love it, BTW. Want to stay here forever.) I’ve never had a problem with communication. Almost everyone speaks English. Many are fluent. Even the grocery market cashiers speak rudimentary English. So many people speak English, I struggle to practice my German. Similar experiences in Zürich, Bern, and the major tourist areas. French cantons are different. English is not widely spoken, outside of hotels and expensive restaurants.

Google iLcw27 Mar 18, 2023

no English needed in German speaking switzerland, i don't know what red bull has been smoking

P&G hate_react Aug 12, 2023

I don’t work there but I have visited. Not a bad office, it’s in Petit-Lancy. People are nice there. A bunch of the people are also “frontalières”, you might consider that as well