Tech IndustryJul 21, 2021

Anyone work in corporate development or corporate strategy for ServiceNow?

I currently work as a finance consultant for SAP and I’m looking to make a switch into SNow. They seem to have a few roles up in the corporate development/corporate strategy area that I’m interested in, but I wanted to hear from someone who actually works in this space for Servicenow. Any insights you can pass along? Is it a good space to work in at SNow? #servicenow #corpdev #corporatedevelopment #corporatestrategy

Splunk op372 Jul 22, 2021

^ Why do you say that? Can you elaborate

ServiceNow Okwb20 Jul 25, 2021

Great space but very competitive to get in. Top notch, elite team (basically all ex-MBB/VC/PE/IB) that moves the needle at NOW.

frankiedan Jul 30, 2021

Can confirm as someone in said team :)

CoreLogic Boatie Oct 4, 2021

Would you mind sharing TC Base/stock per year/performance bonus as a Corporate strategy manager level please?