Armies that Still Use Cavalry

In this era of drones, nukes, stealth aircraft, smart weapons, and robotic warfare, who still uses cavalry? Four countries still do. Chile and Argentina still use cavalry to patrol some of their borderlands in the Andes and Patagonia. India and China both still use cavalry as well both in the Himalayan borderlands and also in steppeland around Xinjiang. Curiously, China also has yak-based cavalry in the Himalayas. All of these cavalry forces use guns from horseback but China actually still has some cavalrymen who are trained to use swords from horseback. China's continuous use of horses in combat is especially long. China first used cavalry over 2400 years ago. China used horses for its chariot armies over 3200 years ago and it continues to use horses in its military today armed for melee combat.

Zoom iEtg03 May 15

Tc or gtfo

Microsoft kpgsqhl May 15

Thatโ€™s a cool fact about India