

Can I write about shows here? I recently started re-watching the Dexter series. Hands down one of the best opening sequence in TV history. Plus the man is a superman. How does he find time to do a full time job, a girlfriend, a killer, maintains boat, etc. I am also having so many a-ha moments re-watching the ice truck killer hints. Well made show!

Walmart Afvk76 5d

Totally agree. It is one of the best shows. Have you watched the new one?

djruto OP 5d

No I have not. Is that one he goes into the wilderness and becomes a lumberjack?

Walmart Afvk76 5d

Yeah, Dexter-New Blood.

Mod@dEcYGKR 5d

I liked the first several seasons, basically until Rita dies. After that I felt like it lost its way. Also tv shows are fine!

djruto OP 5d

Same. I was furious at the trinity killer for killing Rita. I felt like she was the only normal thing Dexter had in life.

Walmart Afvk76 5d

She kept Dexter balanced and bit grounded. Her loss really impacted him.

YGGX18 2d

I havenโ€™t watched Dexter yet but Iโ€™ve rewatched Monk so Iโ€™m excited to rewatch Dexter