Europe: path to FANG as non-SWE with little to no tech companies in Europe?

I would like to get your take on something that bothers me. I have applied a few times already to the European offices of FANG, but was rejected every time. I wonder what would be a good European "stepping stone" tech company to get closer to my goal? The only once I can currently think of are SAP or eBay. I'm located in Germany and working in a design role.

trying718 Feb 17, 2021

Hmm. I’d say Logitech, Microsoft, BMW, Palantir, Stripe, Databricks

Siemens Healthineers PMforgood OP Feb 17, 2021

BMW really? I do not see them related to tech at all Other ones sound find

trying718 Feb 17, 2021

Also Uber, Snap, Bytedance, etc hdthvfeh Feb 17, 2021

A lot of people went to Facebook London from in the last year.

Siemens Healthineers PMforgood OP Feb 17, 2021

I noticed that trend as well - wonder why that dynamic happened