FIRE and fat fire is nothing to be idolized

There are average people who lead average lives- mediocre academics and no early age accomplishment, mediocre job and pay, mediocre everything. Then there are exceptional people who change the world and do great things and rise up above the rest. FIRE and “fat fire” belong squarely in the first category. If you are a fire with a couple million living some nobody life, good for you. You don’t have to work, but don’t kid yourself into thinking you achieved anything with your life. TC 550 Yoe 4.5

192 Participants
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Qualcomm ekck21 3d

There is always going to be someone better than you in one way or another. It doesn’t diminish one’s own achievements.

MongoDB bublegum 3d

You sound salty

Asana bjK3q6 3d

Is your tc paper money? I assume its inflated due to notion’s high valuation?

only4sum 3d

Most of it is paper money

Amazon Shai'hulud 3d

OP has worked 4.5 whole years and still hasn't achieved anything. Everyone point and laugh 😂 🫵

Amazon eXxk75 3d

😂 🫵

Meta techDad113 3d

Nah for real... Ok zoomer... The point of fire isn't "I'm a stud"... The point of fire is "take this job and shove it"

State Farm jakefrumsf 3d

Have you been talking to your parents recently?

Capital One 👑Intern 3d

I don't idolize people that fire but I'd like to spend more time with my kids and work on things I find interesting without worrying about a paycheck.

ByteDance stugaz 3d

Agree. The fundamental problem with people who are obsessed with retiring early is that they hate their job/profession and this hatred clouds everything else in their life. If the only thing you can think about is how soon you can retire, you're a fundamentally unhappy person. But solving this problem by saying "I'm going to hold my nose and keep working until I've saved enough to not work" is probably not the healthiest solution. What these people really need is an immediate professional pivot. But that's much harder to do than saying I'm going to stare at the numbers go up in my Vanguard account. The other problem is that trying to soothe this pain becomes such an obsession that they forget the really meaningful and rewarding aspects of life like making a positive difference in the world (the category 2 stuff like you said). Instead all they can focus on is making the pain stop and this consumes their life like a disease. My only advice to these people (I used to be one, that's how I know) is to retire immediately i.e. take a sabbatical. What are you holding off until retirement? Do all those things now. Then come back to a different job and see how you feel.

Google bujus 3d

Holy sh*t, what a sad judgemental comment. Life isn't about slaving for Bezos, Zuck, Brin ... or even CCP 😂 FIRE isn't about hating your job (some may hate their job but this is a huge generalization that couldn't be further from the truth). First of all it's about financial independence, no need to fear the job loss or being a slave for big corporations. It doesn't mean you have to stop working. When people reach FIRE some indeed just chill and relax, most continue working or pursue other endeavors (working for startup or starting your own startup, teaching or even completely unrelated field). My friend was manager reached FIRE, transferred back to IC (he loves coding and designing systems), works half power ... the other half he's really into music, has his own band. If this is what he enjoys so be it.

ByteDance stugaz 2d

I believe the second half of FIRE is "retire early". If your goal is FI then whatever, there's no problem. I also aim to FI, I live very lean and save-invest 75% of my net.

Airbnb coaster 🏄‍♂️ 3d

Well they have achieved financial independence which 99% of the world at the moment cannot achieve

Google xHew54 3d

Why do you have to “achieve” something? Everyone is different and values different things in life. Maybe enjoying hobbies or maximizing time with family and friends is more important to someone. I don’t think many people die saying they wish they worked harder or earned more trophies.

Google LANfire 3d

No one else can define success for you. I personally think someone who is able to FIRE beat life and can pursue the ultimate form of happiness and leisure and personal freedom. Truly living on their own schedule and with infinite time with their loved ones is the most valuable blessing. And very very few people achieve it. And for those that don't, there's nothing wrong with that either. Being financially independent and retiring is a luxury in most parts of the world unfortunately.