Tech IndustryOct 17, 2022

HELP Analytics Manager from Non-Analytics Background

Started as non-analytics and went to get MSc in Data Science. Upon graduation, immediately get an analytics manager position. What is the right path to do, continue applying as analytics manager at another place or try ICT role as data scientist first to strengthen my technical skill? I know I need to be grateful but I really donโ€™t like the current job, so much that I canโ€™t sleep for 3 weeks alreadyโ€ฆ Thanks!! TC : 105k YOE : 2 YOE (past - 5yrs business operations manager) #tech #analytics

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Walmart Sum1frenzy Oct 17, 2022

No one can walk your path but only you. A lot of people are jumping into Data Science, mostly because of the hype and money. But whatโ€™s needed in this field is constant learning and a strong business sense. Are you looking to go back on the path of non-analytical manager? What was your motivation for doing Masters in DS? Learn from the teamโ€™s past experiences and any other place to stay on top of work. You have to lead the team and work through challenges.