
How do you establish psychological safety in your team?

Great article: The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety 1. inclusion Safety: Engineering leaders should ensure everyone can express their opinions freely and with respect. 2. Learner safety: Engineering leaders need to emphasize learning over mistakes. For example, during a post-mortem triggered by an incident, engineering leaders should focus on the lessons learned and what can be done to avoid the same issue in the future instead of pointing fingers at who made a mistake. 3. Contributor safety: The key elements here are trust and setting clear expectations. When an engineering leader delegates an activity to a team member or manager, she needs to set the expectations, let the team members operate, and then evaluate the outcome of what was delegated. 4. Challenger safety: Engineering leaders need to set an example here. They should encourage, acknowledge disagreement, and thank people who express different opinions. How do you establish psychological safety in your team?

Vitamin B for Engineering Teams: Psychological Safety
Vitamin B for Engineering Teams: Psychological Safety
The Healthy Engineering Leader
ttttweooo Jun 22

Listen to the feedback in the BLIND company channel and make sure it is at least heard! πŸ˜€

Mod@iOQ4yiR OP Jun 22

Very TRUE!