Absolutely brutal job market (end is near?)

I was laid off and have been searching for a new SWE role since 9 months. I was a senior SWE and have 7 YOE Here have been the results so far: Applied close to 200 positions over the 6 month period, got roughly 15 recruiter callbacks. Around 6 just ghosted after the first call. Got rejected by another 6 after round 1 due to reasons better known to them. Most just BS that position is filled Got 3 onsites. Got rejected/ghosted on 2 and the last one rejected me by downleveling saying they wont hire me rn as they are only looking for seniors. Overall a complete shit show and disaster right now in the market. Fake/ghost jobs to promote their companies and never seen so much disrespect from recruiters in my life. Companies know they have the upper hand and just dimiss your skills like trash. I guess the era of tech is finally seeing its end. If you have a role right now do not take it for granted. I might just quit tech totally and become a blue collar worker or something. Feeling so worthless rn as companies are just treating me like garbage in a pool of thousands to candidates. Plus with AI around the corner I feel like its only going to get worse from here on. People rejecting the impact of AI on SWE jobs are simply delusional and do not understand how quickly we are progressing in AI and its capabilities are improving exponentially. Companies for sure know this and the moment chatgpt, devin.ai and other similar AI models reach a level of maturity we will see a sharp decrease in SWE/SRE/Devops roles and only a handful of engineers might be needed to run the show. Also the fact that this industry got doomed is because of oversaturation and people just getting in to makr big bucks. When bootcampers with 4 month exp and no background in tech/CS started getting in the industry i knew we were doomed. Plus stupid Faang engineers and PMs and interns filling the internet with their day in life youtube videos brought in thousands if not millions of new people and attention to tech which has completely saturated the supply. There are now like 500 people if not more applying to a single role thanks to the oversaturation. I do not want to compete in this brutal and unrealistic job market for a position that will have clouds of uncertainty over its future. I would rather just walk away from it do something else. #engineering #software #swe

Siemens yUSF75 2d

Jobs are moving to India. Even a few openings left in US go to H1B — probably Indians.

Splunk freeland OP 2d

Yes, indians, chinese, south america and europe.

Naah, there are not much jobs in India either.

Block rtomafia 2d

Relax. These things happen in cycles. We’ll be fine

Splunk freeland OP 2d

Except in the previous cycles there was no AI and industry was not this saturated. This time is different and going to be permanent. Jobs lost to AI or offshoring wont return

Atlassian BCKYRD 2d

AI is a cycle

Google hWmv36 2d

Saying AI will replace SWE job, shows you are not a senior yet

eBay 26stirfry 2d


Splunk freeland OP 2d

SWE will still exist but drastically reduced in number. When developer productivity increases because of AI the number of jobs go down. You can keep downplaying the role AI is going to play but eventually this is going to hurt when it comes for your job.

Yahoo Inc RMiO54 2d

What is your background?

eBay 26stirfry 2d

devin AI was a fake video

Splunk freeland OP 2d

Fake or not the capabilities are real and doable in chatgpt. Devin seems like a fancy wrapper for now but capabilities are very real.

Nextdoor c——d 2d

OP, from what you say you believe, you deserve nothing in tech

ciabccbbbc 2d

And I thought I was bad getting down level with 4 yoe. Fuck I feel bad for you man

Splunk freeland OP 2d

It has become the new standard. Companies have upper hand so they can just reduce your TC by downlevelling and 100s of people will accept it

ciabccbbbc 1h

I’m fine with it if tc kept up but sadly not

Google eiπ 2d

12 YOE here. Unemployed for 4mos. I've had better results than you, but only by a little. It's been tough but I personally feel it's been better in the last few weeks. Still, no offers yet. I just keep applying and interviewing and hoping for the best. Keep your chin up. You'll get something.

Lacework gvh64 2d


Splunk freeland OP 2d

I hope i am wrong but i do not see the market improving

Capital One unky_richy 2d

Did you apply at Capital One? Don't tell me you got rejected from Capital One, it's the easiest company to get into.

Capital One awyS37 Yesterday

Easy if you're not remote.

MRM TWG_202023 2d

As cliche as this might seem, you need to persevere even if things seem bleak. Honestly, I think you’ve fallen for a lot of FUD and propaganda around the industry. You need to stay in tech and not become a low level blue collar worker, as you will never be able to return. AI is still in its infancy and companies are over-leveraging themselves with it; there will be people who need to be hired to manage AI and fix it. Over saturation and bootcamps have much less of an impact on the industry than what you would expect—the real issue is that startup tax rule that prevents startups from hiring and higher interest rates killing any semblance of innovation. ADITL videos had absolutely no impact on the industry, and saying otherwise is just corporate propaganda. You’re vastly underestimating how much people even cared about those videos in the first place. If you’re going through hell, keep going. That’s way better than giving up or leaving for a job that will be invariably worse than that whatever you had before. TC: 105K

Splunk freeland OP 2d

We are in an end game scenario. Most people are simply delusional in downplaying AIs role. It is literally a super human brain trained on the entire internet and one that keeps getting better and better by the day. It can think and reason like a human and is getting better than humans at most of the tasks thrown at it.

BCBSKS smmL38 2d

Agree with your AI assessment. I am a HM. I am seeing clear impacts or AI on hiring right now. Currently own a 100 person org related to banking regs and fraud prevention. The new system we are standing up is all AI based. Folks who think AI can’t do their jobs are not thinking right. They think AI needs to code. It does not. It’s a training based modeling engine. AI does not need to code. It will stand up entire systems based on models. Look at Tesla self driving as an example. They did away with their entire system and their new system is all AI training based on modeling and self learning. That is the future. Anyone who says AI won’t take away SWE jobs is a junior engineer who has not been exposed to real AI. All they are using is ChatGPT and thinking that’s the extent of it.

Splunk freeland OP 2d

Glad to see someone who is paying attention to the capabilities of AI and the rapid advancement. Most SWEs are entirely delusional