I Love Abortions, But The Democrats Are Spineless Idiots

I'm voting Trump, but I'm 100% in favor of abortion rights and the right for women to choose what they can do with their body. The Democrats are spineless fucking idiots for relying on some court ruling that had shaky legal ground to begin with. They should have just enshrined abortion rights into law. Was 50 years not enough to get this done? They just didn't want to touch anything controversial with a 50 foot pole and now they're blaming the Republicans for it? They have 0 right to blame the Republicans for their massive ineptitude and cowardice. TC 350k

103 Participants
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NVIDIA chanukah 2d

Democrats and Republicans are two cheeks of the same ass

Qualcomm ekck21 2d

Who is the butthole? The public? Getting squeezed

Apple ATeamUSA 2d

Qualcomm is the hole

Google Velsecurit 2d

Why not abort all illegal women’s fetuses? That’ll solve 2 problems at the same time.

Google Not___HR OP 2d

Please yes

Walt Disney BadHasbara Yesterday

Thank you Goebbels. You are very sane and very cool

Xometry klarg 2d

I can't vote because i agree with both of the options

Google Not___HR OP 2d


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Google Not___HR OP 2d


Databricks char* p Yesterday

It would not require a constitutional amendment only a law passed by Congress as OP said.

ex-Amazon L7SDM! 2d

I’m not opinionated one way or the other on this issue, but i don’t see it as a big deal to just not have sex if you don’t want to risk pregnancy.

Expedia Group finitos 2d

lol, why didnt everyone think of this? guess you are just a genius.

Google Not___HR OP 2d

Poor people are stupid and have little foresight and self-control. You want to pay for their mistakes via welfare?

Microsoft 8gYfhsh94 2d

Trump isn’t going to touch abortion law, one way or the other. https://x.com/theallinpod/status/1803895237540012084?s=46

xMicro$oft 2d

Controversial opinion (apparently), but I love babies and can’t fathom someone actually wanting to tear apart a living baby’s body and suction it out at any stage of development.

Google Not___HR OP 2d

You love having to pay welfare for thousands of them born to poors?

Microsoft 8gYfhsh94 2d

I also love babies and can’t fathom it. I also don’t discriminate against people who have less money than me by calling them “poors” or by trying to have them kill their offspring

Notion Trump45-47 2d

Trump was the moderate here, by giving the choice back to the states and the voters. Democrats were the radicals, by forcing their will on the entire country despite shaky legal ground

Google Not___HR OP 2d


ex-Amazon L7SDM! 2d

Would the same argument hold for civil rights? Like giving states the right to allow racial discrimination? Since democrats see it as a moral issue similar to racial discrimination, the let states choose argument won’t fly for abortion if it doesn’t for racial discrimination.

Notion Trump45-47 2d

Uber ♾️ 2d

If you actually think about what happens to the baby during an abortion it makes it pretty difficult to support it so flippantly. I'm not really even anti-abortion because I can imagine all kinds of valid reasons to not want to have the baby. But the process of abortion is so morally disgusting that it should be an extremely rare occurrence.

No, it doesn't. You should become vegan instead.