
Is job market saturated!! I am getting absolutely no calls or responses. Have applied to over 100 jobs since laid off

LinkedIn YIMz21 Jun 18


Google eiπ Jun 18

Over what time period?

ex-Dell zqolfe-.,? Jun 18

I was about EXACTLY the SAME post. THERE ARE NO TECH JOBS OPEN If u get laidoff u r screweddd biggg time

Amazon turdmonk Jun 18

I have a friend who has been unemployed for 16 months now, from tech

Boardintelligence Pininflour Jun 18

Role? Experience?

PSW DogLover; Jun 18

What is your background? If it's computer science, there are plenty of non tech roles.

Autodesk avIO46 Jun 19

Such as?

PSW DogLover; 7d

Defense with a security clearance. See Raytheon. Also plenty of FPGA roles if EE or Comp Eng.

Amazon ¿what? Jun 18

If everyone says no to you, maybe it’s time to look at yourself.

Amazon ONqC53 Jun 18


Amazon ¿what? Jun 18

Skill issue.

Goldman Sachs Lc76Gv Jun 18

Don’t worry, 85,000 more are on their way to help with the worker shortage.

Meta H3ll0_u Jun 18

Bingo! Time to close the door.

Skyworks Solutions end_begins 7d

85k is a reference point just see last few years every time it’s more than 100k 😜

Coinbase #refactor Jun 18

There are things you can do to stand out but the market is challenging. As a guideline, your application response rate will be about 2% for each year of experience. If you're getting closer to 1 or 2% callback rate with 5+ yoe then there are things you can do to improve that. e.g. 5 yoe I would aim for 10% positive response rate. That's the pattern I've seen with my clients in this market.


"In this market" Was it more before 2021?

Coinbase #refactor Jun 19

Very much so. 2015 to 2020 it was much easier. Probably more like 4% response for each yoe, assuming you were qualified for the role.

SoFi rajesus Jun 18

100 jobs total? Shiuld be minimum 100 per day

Skyworks Solutions end_begins 7d

Doesn’t matter

ServiceNow mangina072 7d

Except it does.

Intel fatheroall Jun 18

It’ll get only worse until the unemployment rate peaks or something. It only started rising from its bottom a few months back