Netflix hiring new grads? Never thought I'd see the day Netflix agreed to hire Jr. Software engineers. TC: 127k YOE < 1 #Netflix

New Grad, Software Engineer
New Grad, Software Engineer
dhtdhu Sep 24, 2021

New grad with 1 year of relevant experiences **

The Clorox Company Anon92 OP Sep 24, 2021

It says 1 year of internship experience, if you went through 4 years of college I would expect some intern experience as well

Amazon hejkhsj Sep 24, 2021

It says 1+ internship. Not 1 year.

8x8 trimplety Sep 24, 2021

Shit, subscriptions must be down

OtdW14 Sep 24, 2021


The Clorox Company Anon92 OP Sep 24, 2021

I thought they were doing better than ever due to covid lol.

Amazon yolosnap Sep 24, 2021

+1 Never thought I'd see this day

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8x8 trimplety Sep 24, 2021

Apparently it took 20 years for NF to realize. What changed?

Facebook getmequant Sep 24, 2021

Wow. Wonder what the offer would be. Would probably crush the rest of FAANG new grad salaries and be competitive with quant/trading firms

Facebook //////% Sep 24, 2021

Wondering the same. But they give people with 3 years of experience 300k so doubt they can compete with quant/trading

The Clorox Company Anon92 OP Sep 24, 2021

I'm guessing in the 200 range for TC. Kinda wish I was new grad, I'd try for it at least lol.