Why do liberals keep saying democracy instead of Constitutional Repulic?

democrats keep saying everything is a threat to our democracy, but America is a Constitutional Republic.

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Not an American and not a native English speaker. But what's the difference?

eBay jGvX71 3d

Without getting too pedantic and using a little bit of hyperbole: In a true Democracy, 50.01% of population can enact law to legally kill the other 49.99%. In a Republic, the law is typically set up such that you'd require some supermajority to agree to kill the minority. The threshold to enact significant changes is typically higher. The popular vote may also matter less. Pure democracies tend to swing wildly and all democracies today are republics. So in common usage, they are used interchangeably. In the US, the constitution is the supreme law of the land. So it's a constitutional republic.

Block iakxjen 3d

OP is an idiot trying to sound clever, but instead shows how dumb he is and doesn’t even realize it

IeLF68 3d

Dumb as in regurgitating Fox propaganda without knowing. Unfortunately there are millions of idiots like that.

Automox Scooter 🛴 3d

Why do people keep saying TC when they mean base + stock

eBay iamebay 3d

Bcuz bonus???

PmpI48 3d

Constitutional republic is considered a form of democracy, you fool. Where’s the option for “OP is a fool who didn’t pay attention in school”? Why did OP say America and not United States of America? 🤓

Panopto emojicon 3d

Why do conservatives always say Republic instead of Representative Democracy? Cuz who tf cares is why. Don't be a sucker for semantics and play silly games, unless you really want that to be the basis of how people perceive you.

Amazon tri8Ta 3d

Do a taxonomy of government types that include the following : Democracy Republic Direct Democracy Constitutional Democracy Representative Democracy You will be able to answer your own question and confirm that your are dumb!

State Farm jakefrumsf 3d

In their minds "democracy" is a feel-good bromide that's easier to remember and to say than "constitutional republic" It also sounds similar to the party they like to vote for

Amazon tri8Ta 3d

same reason why R says Republic.

State Farm jakefrumsf 3d

"To the Republic for which it stands"

Credit Karma ird61064 3d

Because democracy is how the representatives are chosen. Republicans don’t like that their policies and positions are losing and unpopular, so they attempt to subvert that democratic process with disenfranchisement.

GitHub tr4bn2z 3d

Why do people keep saying beer instead of Bud. A Bud isn't a beer.

Broadcom Silicones 3d

This take is so dumb given that in literally every goddamn foundational document from the constitution onward political legitimacy has been established (drumroll please) “For the people By the People” As if that wasn’t bad enough representatives from each states are Democratically elected by residents of that State. Nobody unless they take ambien on the daily is going to assert that SOMEHOW the States (which has generally been used to refer to the goddamn Legislatures not its Residents) elect Congress. The only thing that undercuts the general democratic foundation is the Presidency where you get the Electoral College and the weird fuckery it creates but it correlates with the popular vote for a reason (and more often than not generally signals how fucked a Presidency is from the start). At the end of the day a Constituitional Republic is just a vehicle for democratic decision making in the modern day not some wack patrician cuckery like OP is suggesting