Tech IndustryMay 2, 2020

Netflix to introduce university intern program

Previously famous for hiring only senior engineers, streaming giant Netflix to introduce university internship program. Discuss. #netflix

Amazon fynk May 2, 2020

Is this to an effort to validate why they only hire senior engineers?

Tableau truth999 OP May 2, 2020

It is perhaps a shrewd adaptation to current job market conditions to scoop up rescinded Airbnb and ride share interns for cheap.

Amazon fynk May 2, 2020

Why interns? Why not downleveled industry hires?

Tableau truth999 OP May 2, 2020

Is this a golden opportunity to be mentored by a whole team of senior engineers? Or a disaster waiting to happen at the hands of a company unfamiliar with developing new grad talent? Will Netflix introduce a non-senior engineering title for intern-to-full-time conversions?

Twitch loveMYjobz May 2, 2020

As someone who has mentored interns and has gone through a few of em before full time, I would ask more details on how their intern program is structured. Lots of companies just assign a buddy and expect the intern to do full-time things. Sometimes this works out but it depends. Will the mentor have dedicated time to help or are they also in the middle of a large ass project? I think it’d awesome they’re starting to do it. Would love to see them execute right

Lyft larywheels May 2, 2020

Interesting move if legit. Maybe Netflix thinks they can get some use out of talented interns that lost jobs. Only issue is that setting up an intern program is non trivial and takes a lotta work. Netflix seems unequipped for this. 1) Sell interns on your company 2) let them cut their teeth else where after grad 3).... 4) Profit?

Netflix Narcos May 2, 2020

In our freedom and responsibility culture, we don't want to prescribe teams what they should or should not do. So some teams feel internship program helps the reputation and networking, also as a way to contribute to the community. We don't expect many conversions as we only hire seniors. Also most of the interns were hired before the pandemic. We just didn't cancel them unlike many companies.

Netflix nazz May 2, 2020

Was and will be mostly related to PhDs

Lyft larywheels May 2, 2020

Ah that makes more sense

Facebook Orangiouse May 3, 2020


Netflix Rumc03 May 6, 2020


Netflix newty May 6, 2020
