
Number of millionaires in sf bay area It says around 307500. I am pretty sure this number is doubled by now. And its population is around 7 million . That makes it to top 10 percent of bay area. If i am missing soething. Now lets take blind poll - if your nw is 1m.

New York tops the list of the 50 richest cities in the world
New York tops the list of the 50 richest cities in the world
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LinkedIn I am a Cat 2d

Equity on primary residence is not counted towards net worth.

PayPal ab8a4f6b 2d

WTF šŸ˜³ Of course it is. Personally I use the term ā€œnon-housing net worthā€ when Iā€™m projecting things like retirement 3% rule and such.

Visa IBVy85 2d

spoiler alert: people that include this shit are what we call ā€œhouse poorā€

Visa IBVy85 2d

house equity is the most bullshit measure lmao. remove that shit from the poll or change it to ā€œiā€™m a millionaire only if you include house equityā€ being house poor is a very serious issue with tech workers that no one in the bay area is willing to admit but want to flex ā€œbeing a millionaireā€ anyway.

Visa hardworkr1 OP 2d

Why if they sell their house. Atleast they will get some equity. By that logic 401k shoudnt be included as well as its golden handcuffs. I dont have a house anyway

Visa IBVy85 2d

you also include your couch, watch, car, furniture, and toiletries in your net worth calculation donā€™t you?

Splunk GenAISpIk 2d

Yes you are missing something, a factor of 10

PayPal ab8a4f6b 2d

OP isnā€™t your math off? Did you mean 10%?

Visa hardworkr1 OP 2d

Ya my bad

NVIDIA MrCoder 2d

1% or 4%?

Visa hardworkr1 OP 2d

Ya right

Sanofi Cyantyst 2d

this is like counting Delta platinum members at ATL airport. Everybody is one

Visa hardworkr1 OP 2d

I just told you its just 10 perc in bay area. Thats not everyone

Credit Karma 1_dude 2d

Look at house prices in Bay area. It forces you to earn to afford a life here

Visa hardworkr1 OP 2d

I dont have a house and I would never buy here. I would go to some place where house are cheaper

Sanofi Cyantyst 2d

where do you love?

curtis 2d

everyone i know is a millionaire. millionaire is poor in bay area bro

Visa hardworkr1 OP 2d

Thats blind echo chamber for you

Where are the 1000 trillionaires?

Uber ttl20 2d

Every software engineer in the Bay Area is a millionaire.