Phoenix Area or Bay Area ?

TLDR: Posting for a new grad friend who has to choose which city/office to live and work out of: Phoenix Area ($85k) or Bay Area ($100k)? My friend is graduating in December and has an offer at a Fortune 500 company. This is a new grad offer after an internship that was supposed to be located in the Bay Area office (TC: $100k + sign on bonus). Recently, they told him that they want to move him to Phoenix, AZ. His TC would be adjusted for cost of living (TC: $85k + sign on bonus). They really want him to move so he can be with more new grads and be located where his team is at. If he doesn't move, he would need to be placed on a new team, and there wouldn't be any other new grads in the Cali location. He doesn't want to move because he doesn't think he would like Arizona (he interned in Cali and enjoyed it). But he also doesn't want to be seen as difficult and wants to stay on the same team (if he moves to Cali, the company would put him on a different team). What would you do? Potential TC: 85k in Phoenix 100k in Bay Area

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realy Oct 27, 2023

It’s better to be on a team with no other new grads. It’s better to make more money. It’s better to be located in the bay where he should be actively trying to get a better paying job.

Booz Allen Hamilton YpaDqq OP Oct 27, 2023

Tough job market for SWEs I suppose

Meta nobodycir Oct 27, 2023

A team doesn’t need multiple new grads Only one really, the rest can serve as mentors Either way TC too low so they should bounce jobs asap

Booz Allen Hamilton YpaDqq OP Oct 27, 2023

I guess it's a tough job market. He's a swe

Intel SpoW74 Oct 27, 2023

He can't live comfortably on 100k in the Bay Area.

Amazon hippiedip Oct 27, 2023

I think it’s fine to not live comfortably as a new grad. It’s the best time to grind

Booz Allen Hamilton YpaDqq OP Oct 27, 2023

Even with roommates?

🪦ur rsus Oct 27, 2023

Phoenix and it’s not close

Booz Allen Hamilton YpaDqq OP Oct 27, 2023

Haha, that's what I said, but it's great to see a variety of opinions

Meta tUAV35 Oct 27, 2023

I grew up in the Phoenix/Tempe Arizona area and three years ago I moved to San Francisco. I can tell you my social life has significantly improved since moving. People in Arizona tend to be friends with those they grew up with. Transplant folks often move away after a few years due to the culture and heat. If he's a new grad, I'd choose the Bay. Even if he is stuck with roommates in the South Bay, the environment will probably be better for him. The only concern is career growth, typically this is better in the Bay, but if all the new grads are in Arizona, he might be missing out on some experiences and mentors. I'd probably ask if, after the first year, he could relocate to the Bay - although most companies would say no because of cost.

Booz Allen Hamilton YpaDqq OP Oct 27, 2023

Thank you for the insight

Microsoft dJDM32 Jan 10

This is just not true lol. I just moved here 6 months ago and have like 4 or 5 different friend groups. You can’t just sit and do nothing, then blame the city lol. Its so easy to make friends here.