
Regale Winery & Vineyard

winery name: Regale Winery & Vineyard (Los Gatos) -tasting experience: 7/10, this hidden gem is located just 20 minutes from los gatos. when u exit off 17 onto summit rd, the 10 min drive reminded me of tahoe, -redwoods, lots of greenery, blue skies ect. the winery was established just 15 yrs ago and the estate is tuscan/french/italian themed. it has an impressive/grand entrance and the first thot that came to mind was, what a perfect wedding venue. not coincidentally, there was a wedding on both sat/sun of the wknd we visited. the indoor tasting room is narrow and small but maybe purposefully built to push the guests out into the garden. this is where they truly shined, with manicured gardens, 🌹 n flowers lining the walking paths. we thought the fountain was the centerpiece but when u take a few more steps towards the property’s edge, what a view of the santa cruz mountains and the valley facing west! with the sunset, im sure this makes a great wedding venue. anyways back to the tasting. welp, this was a self serve experience, find ur own seat & go to the bar for the tasting flight. imo, its better to grab a bottle and soak in the view with ur company. the major + is they have an outdoor pizza oven. their prosciutto & funghi pizza was ⭐️ , slightly overpriced at $24 but it was a nice touch, which added to the experience. the staff was friendly but didnt dive into the winemaking/process, i think they were there more to just pour/serve and shuttle people outside. -tasting $: $35, for 5 pours of their estate/paso/santa cruz pinots and chardonnays. most of their wines carried a similar note of tobacco/toasty oak/ dark cherry profiles which i personally enjoyed but may not be for everyone. their last pour was their merlot which was surprisingly smooth/well balanced with good tannins. i was also surprised that they were pouring their 2017-2018 vintages, usually wineries opt to pour their latest batch, usually 2-3 yrs. -reservations: Yes, but only for club members(?) for everyone else, walk ins only but i saw no issues. -membership: 3/10, 3/6/6 allocations for 4 shipments per yr. looks like minimum purchase is ~$400 per yr with discounts of 15 and 25%. tbh their wines were decent but not worth the membership, even with the discounts -revisit: Yes, mainly to enjoy the property, the views and remote lake tahoe-ish location thats within a short driving distance from the bay.

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