Requesting SWE/Related Intern Referrals for Summer 2024/Fall 2025

Hi everyone! I’m looking for summer internships and applying the standard way hasn’t yielded the results I’m hoping for. If you’d be willing to refer me, I’d greatly appreciate the help. I’m a Computer Science junior in the United States (Austin, TX) and I’m interested in any programming-related internship roles. I’m most familiar with C# (especially for Unity), JS/React, Python, Swift, and Java. Thanks! I recently had someone offer to refer me at SAP, so I’d appreciate referrals anywhere besides that. #tech #referral #engineering #software #swe #intern #internship

Cruise fHjr5E Jan 22

Good luck

SAP Astr0Pilot Jan 23

DM for SAP - Happy to help out and anyone else too! :-)