Resignation in 2 months

I had recently joined Fidelity Investments and its been 2 months and I got a new offer located in San diego from Faang company. I wanted to notify my manager, will it cause me to be blacklisted or prevent me from applying to my former company again. Role: SDE TC:120

Asana asanabruh Jan 24

No. They should understand. Also why would you go back to peanuts land.

lululemon hutyut OP Jan 24

ya thats true. I like WLB in this company but definitely do not like to burn bridges

Google topkek1 Jan 24

Some FAANG doing layoffs in San Diego, so...

lululemon hutyut OP Jan 24

that Faang is apple, so am hoping thats not the case

Workday egienw Jan 24

As a manager, I would be happy for my report. FAANG is an upgrade both in terms of comp and brand so it’s better for my report’s career. I will congratulate him and tell him to contact me if things don’t work out there.

Tata Consultancy Services .xxxxxxxx. Jan 25

Not everyone will be happy in the HR department.

Reddit chachang Jan 25

Fidelity pays 🥜🥜… Is being black listed worth losing $50k (or whatever the TC difference is) every year?

Verizon Media sushi_cat Jan 25

Curious what the time line was. You started at your company 2 months ago. When did you do your last interview with the company who gave you and offer and when was your first?

lululemon hutyut OP Jan 25

both companies got offer in same timelines, but offer approval of new company took time

Verizon Media sushi_cat Jan 25

Wow took 2 months to approve? Crazy town.

Nordstrom ehk366 Jan 25

Is fidelity hiring?

lululemon hutyut OP Jan 25

they were hiring last year end

Nordstrom ehk366 Jan 25

Refer me?

fiddlestick Jan 25

Don’t worry about being blacklisted. No one cares enough to track this stuff. Your manager might be a bit butthurt but they’ll get over it. And if they don’t you’ve dodged working for a shitty person. Make the move that makes sense for you and just be professional about your exit. I also would wait till you actually start at Apple before giving notice at Fidelity. You can’t be too careful in this here Tech Winter.

lululemon hutyut OP Jan 25

makes sense. thank you 😊