Tech IndustryOct 31, 2022

Senior SWE Masters Degree

Senior SWE in tristate area.. Working remote mostly with JavaScript.. I am hoping that getting my masters education will help me get into FAANG, and help me become a knowledgeable engineer. I have started the application process to get into a comp sci masters program. I don't have a comp sci background, so I think it could help understand DSA & how to build systems. I can complete it 3 years part time. I know I am going to have to grind Leetcode eventually. Maybe I could do some private sessions for the behavioral and systems on or some other platform when I am ready to interview. InterviewKickstart seems like a waste of money In 2 or 3 years, I am looking to get to 250K to 400K in compensation in order to buy a house in the tristate area. I would love to work at LinkedIn, TwoSigma, Spotify, Netflix, Apple, Dropbox, DataDog and of course Google. Does this sound like a good idea? How does my plan sound? What else should I take into consideration? Any thoughts and career advice would be appreciated. Blind Tax: YOE: 5 TC: 130K #masters #degree #dsa #systemsdesign #senior #swe #google #faang #linkedin #twosigma #datadog #dropbox

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Practice interviewing with engineers from top companies, anonymously.
41 Participants
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biQL38 Oct 31, 2022

I don't think degrees matter unless it's a top school.

ADP bx1045 OP Oct 31, 2022

Yes - I am looking at top 10 masters programs

TikTok CodeGreen Nov 1, 2022

If you are already a software engineer and if your goal is FAANG like companies, the Masters will only delay your goal. I also had the same mindset and even finished a semester. LC + school + job was too much for me. Dropped out and focused on interviews.

ADP bx1045 OP Nov 1, 2022

Thanks for the feedback. The programs I am looking at were meant to be completed with 1 class per semester, so I hope it isnt too much

TikTok CodeGreen Nov 1, 2022

That was my plan too. I didn’t have a social life even with 1 course and my performance at work suffered too. YMMV.

Indeed ✒️📖 Nov 1, 2022

Are you really gonna do a 3 year masters just so you can procrastinate on LC without feeling bad about it?

ADP bx1045 OP Nov 1, 2022

I wouldn't put it that way, but it could be seen as procrastination I guess. I think since I'd be trying for more senior positions, the interviews would be tougher so I would have to be ready for anything. The benefit is I have time to prepare.