LayoffsSep 28, 2022

Should I take the risk? $200K vs getting kicked out

My company (not SAP) is going through a reorg and my peer (with less experience) is being elevated to be my manager. Majority of meaningful projects are shelved . I can either leave saying this is not what I signed up for and get a good severance ($200k pre tax), or stay put given current macro economic conditions. The challenge is I dont have another job lined up and I am on an H1B visa, once I leave i will be on a 60 day clock. I can always rely upon the network I build here over the last 13 years but cant gather up the courage to take this step. I also dont know if anyone would give me the current package I have here ($500K), but I also dont like the new position here and I am sure I will not grow professionally if I stay. If I accept this reorg, find a job 2-3 months down the line, i most likely will not be getting any severance (me quitting vs they letting me go). Not sure what to doā€¦So confused!

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Meta sDTR47 Sep 28, 2022

Why not take 200k and live like a king overseas?

SAP InTheArena OP Sep 28, 2022

Wish I could. I got kids who are in preschool/elementary and not sure if i want to uproot my family. We love it here šŸ˜€

Balyasny Asset Management jtuy Sep 29, 2022

Is your spouse working?

H-E-B Grocery monoliths Sep 28, 2022

You only live once, get that 200k and grind for another job

Amazon ā€ƒ 123 Sep 28, 2022

This is easy. Take the 200k and go to a cheap school until you find a job you like

Procore BwLT85 Sep 28, 2022

Stay out during these tough times, swallow your pride.

Amazon Toni-Ann Sep 29, 2022

Best advice. OP is on H1b and should really have no pride at all for now.

lldudi Sep 28, 2022

Wow why would a company give so much severance when itā€™s at-will employment?

Arcesium noob.ia55 Sep 28, 2022

Coast until you find a job you like. 200k post tax is probably around 140k. Given your TC it does not look that attractive. Why risk so much when you have so little to gain??

Twilio jaded šŸ¦‰ Sep 28, 2022

Post tax is more like 100k assuming this is California. Honestly on a H1b and itā€™s now near the end of the year, thereā€™s a chance you wonā€™t wind up with a job in 60 days. I wouldnā€™t take that risk if I were you op

SAP InTheArena OP Sep 28, 2022

Thanks jaded

PagerDuty nEwName? Sep 28, 2022

Find another job, then take the $200K and leave. I mean you can reach out to your network now youā€™ll know where you stand. The 60 day is extremely stressful, even more with kids etc.

Goldman Sachs BAgc35 Sep 28, 2022

wait until you get a equally a good job. Dont risk for 200K.

Zoom zoomCOO Sep 28, 2022

Your new manager will get rid of you. Start looking for a new job