
So bored. But golden handcuffs?

Joined ads infra in Jan. Hit the jackpot TC wise as stock price jumped after joining. So boring tho. Anyone else feel the same way? Especially how do you more experienced folks keep yourselves entertained/satisfied? Any advice? TC 410k FY, recurring ~350-370k Yoe 2

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LinkedIn lostboi😢 4d

What? When? How? Did you get that tc

Meta bored@meta OP 4d

185 base + 15% target bonus = 212k Stock 100k + 50k jump = 150k Sign on 50k Target refresh is 22k for e4?

Meta 3rdDayIDK 4d

Damn that's crazy for e4. I'm sitting 100 under that. Can't complain about tc still though.

Amazon Fojf76 4d

Yea, was doing fine TC wise but was bored and wanted to get out of Bay Area and move to NYC. Can’t find many interesting well paying roles there so I just quit and am founding a startup with interesting work that will eventually be based out of NYC.

Meta FzNX63 4d

What is it about living in NYC that you like?

Amazon Fojf76 4d

I just like downtown areas that don’t need a car to get around in general. NYC fits that better than most other cities in US. Also, its about an hour train ride away from where I grew up compared to Bay Area which is a 6 hour plane ride away. Dating scene with better looking women on average doesn’t hurt either.

OKG Technology not-ok 4d

Is it still mostly chinese in ads?

Meta russe 4d

Yeah, but they are good so koi farak nahin painda. Problem is impacc culture, extremely bad WLB,

Meta bored@meta OP 4d

Yeah all Chinese lol. Even Indian is rare

Amazon blind monk 4d

Can we trade? I'm so under paid, only 300K 😭

Amazon Fojf76 4d

Thats not underpaid for L5 SDE, if you’re L6 though…

Meta bored@meta OP 4d

Yeah I just got lucky

Snap WisamD 4d

You have a lot of years left. You need to adjust mentally and realize that almost no jobs are always interesting and rewarding. Most are never either of those things.

Meta bored@meta OP 4d

Wow really? How many years have u been working?

Amazon jungleppl 2d

Soak this in and remember the grass is always greener. My entire org got laid off from meta last year and my TC was 750k because of stock appreciation. Market completely changed after that and was lucky to get your same comp at AWS. And I have 11 years xp.

ByteDance ttL3ader41 4d

Boring? You don’t get UBN every night? 😆 Ads infra feeling bored is a good joke

OKG Technology not-ok 4d

Bored of UBN and Sev1

VMware Tjg55H 2d

SEV1 sounds exhausting. What is UBN?

Garena gKtY45 4d

What does ur typical day look like?

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MongoDB LLMfao 3d

Be grateful you've got a job. Don't get comfortable...

ThoughtSpot qqwwjk 2d

Peanut TC… go join an hft

Meta bored@meta OP 2d

What is HFT TC? My friend at 2s was getting around 400 after 1 yoe

Google wuLA10 2d

900k at 4