
Wealthfront vs Marcus for HYSA

Which one's better and why?

78 Participants
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Verizon phtr Mar 13, 2023

My experience with Marcus is that it's very convenient and has good rate

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Workday MsftChtGPT Mar 13, 2023

I can..DM

Oscar bbbajajja Mar 13, 2023

Marcus probably is least risky and more stable. The UI is also very slick and simple to use.

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NVIDIA notaxhike Mar 13, 2023

Without promotion, Wealthfront offers better rate 4.05 vs 3.75. If you have lots of money, Wealthfront spreads them across parter banks, each gets 250k fdic, making total of 2M insurance.

ijvw10 OP Mar 13, 2023

That's interesting. Seems like a better choice?

Verizon phtr Mar 13, 2023

Interesting. Good to know Goldman backed made me feel better about Marcus

ijvw10 OP Mar 13, 2023

Still Marcus4evr?

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Cisco $uccession Mar 13, 2023

Damn, I signed up for Marcus without referral. Worth closing account and reopening with referral? Can’t apply it retroactively can I? Have 150k in already

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uusf32 Mar 13, 2023

Anyone willing to give a referral for Marcus?

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ijvw10 OP Mar 13, 2023

This seems to be true per their website. Scary that your money is uninsured for a window of time.

Oscar cune008 Mar 13, 2023

Also Marcus has GS backing, so ACH is as good as any regular bank.

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