Tech IndustryFeb 21, 2020
SamsungSoy Sauc

What's your company's D&D Alignment?

🍿 #BottomRight

Squarespace btwp29 Feb 21, 2020

On the surface, Squarespace appears to be mid right. But looking deeper, Squarespace culture is closer to chaotic evil (#BottomRight).

Zymergen dummithicc Feb 21, 2020

Chaotic good

Zymergen dummithicc Feb 21, 2020

I worked for Intel and I think they were lawful neutral

Symantec SlackQueen Feb 21, 2020

Chaotic Evil lol

PACCAR drop * Feb 21, 2020

Lawful Evil all the way. But not out of malice, that’s just how you keep people in line... fear. #BottomLeft

Palantir ufUguf49gi Feb 22, 2020

Lawful Evil hah

PACCAR drop * Feb 22, 2020

Definitely true.