Where should I invest

My total investment is 325000 (including 401k) and would like to get to 500k as this years goal. Any suggestions? Most of money are in fidelity stocks + Voo

Capital One cap1lyfer Mar 6

Put it in the medallion fund

Google Goоgle Mar 6

0DTE QQQ calls

Instacart akshully Mar 6

Lower your expectations...

Atlassian tireFat Mar 6

Buy ARKK puts.

Google tech 🏝️ Mar 6

even bernie madoff can’t guarantee returns like that

Google pecan🌠 Mar 6

How much money are you willing to lose to accomplish your … ambitious… target?

Meta prep4fun Mar 6

Put in $175000. Done

Meta nlkl61 Mar 6

Nvda of course

LinkedIn dijfih Mar 6

If people knew how to get 50% gains in a year they wouldn’t be here on blind.

Microsoft DesiStud Mar 6

All of us had 50% gains last year and we are all here

Walmart Salton_Wam Mar 6

I highly recommend this stock screener. It focuses on value investing principles used by Warren Buffet to make his billions. I’ve adopted it as my primary stock screener and it does a great job of helping people identify stocks that are low risk but primed for growth. https://tykr.com/?gr_pk=8pVM