Which AI company would you choose?

Which AI company / tech would you want to work on given these choices? Leaving off OpenAI since I assume that would be everyone's first choice.

177 Participants
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Stripe eldood1 3d

Perplexity is not an AI company. They build mobile and web apps

Google 10 . Yesterday

and write annoying posts on social media

Salesforce eycsryg Yesterday

What do you think so? Because they donā€™t have their own models, thatā€™s why?

NVIDIA gudif 3d

Meta for sure.

Apple realAnalys 3d

Why thereā€™s no Apple as an option? AI = Apple Intelligence

ServiceNow AtDn58 3d

Calling open ai api is not a real job

Microsoft WhatsBap 2d

I can confim.

Uber opi 2d

wrong group

Google hmzdjek 2d

I would prefer Anthropic over OpenAI

Block mXmm74 Yesterday


Block cash-coin Yesterday

Could you elaborate on this?

Amazon sirensong Yesterday

Anthropic is like Bing against Google. Doesnā€™t matter if it is good or not. There is no compelling reason Claude will take meaningful mindshare and market share.

Google hmzdjek Yesterday

More like Uber and Lyft, imo.

realb Yesterday

Claude Sonnet 3.5 is better than GPT4o

Raytheon Pavlov! Yesterday

Isn't Perplexity's whole business model "we hire pirates to steal content, then summarize or plagiarize that content for you?"

realb Yesterday

Is that different from OpenAI?

Raytheon Pavlov! Yesterday

Only inasmuch as it's more blatant. But they're essentially the same.

realb Yesterday

I'd take Anthropic over OpenAI. The former has the best model and product right now with the Artifact feature.