Job OpeningsJul 6, 2020

Which companies are still hiring?

Laid off, back in the market looking for jobs for SWE(2) roles. Have applied to amzn fb goog vmware slack atlassian stripe salesforce sap oracle microsoft a couple startups. Whilst prepping for interviews do not wish to lose out on other opportunities. If you know any company that's still hiring, please leave a comment below! Referrals would be great too, DMs are open, just anything to help me out would be great! TC: 0 YOE: 2y

Google BlueNose Jul 6, 2020

You should also explore options like triplebyte and Good Luck

Roku repocalyse Jul 6, 2020

Best of luck!

Twilio kaching! Jul 7, 2020

Twilio is hiring! Dm for referral, if interested

Intuit BYun36 OP Jul 8, 2020

Ah I checked the careers page, I don't think they're hiring non-senior SWEs :-( thanks tho!

RealPage kBAC24 Jul 8, 2020

As far as I know, SAP is, good luck.

Intuit BYun36 OP Jul 8, 2020

I could find two positions to apply to. Thank you! :-)

RealPage kBAC24 Jul 12, 2020

Do you need referral?