Contract Recruiter at Google

Feeling very disappointed in myself. Signed up for a contract role at Google over 8 months ago. I’m now realizing that I’m being paid almost $20/hr less than everyone else. I’m the top performing “new” recruiter. My contract was recently extended (grateful). I’m trying to negotiate my rate with Adecco staffing. Any advice? Please help 🙏🏽

ServiceNow hkqd80 Apr 19, 2022

Go for google fte

Google LouieC OP Apr 19, 2022

That’s the plan

Google LouieC OP Apr 19, 2022

It just made me sick to my stomach knowing I passed up on $28k net income. I’m not greedy and super grateful but that’s a very hard pill to swallow.

Datadog RRyN45 Apr 20, 2022

Leave and potentially get even more

Apple amaxcx Apr 24, 2022

Damn I’m so sorry that’s really horrible! I read article about Google contractors getting paid way less and doing more work win for Google but horrible for the employee. Listen you have Google on your resume now even if it was contract I would go an apply for other roles and negotiate as high as you can! If Google has a full time opening go for it but look at other companies. It’s still a candidate market and it’s on fire right now! Praying you get this!

Deloitte byok92 May 26, 2022

Sorry to hear your situation. I think google experience on your resume will help. BTW were you involved in sourcing or working all the way through loop, team match and offer stage? My Google FTE recruiter handed over my case to "google via adecco" recruiter for team match. Does it mean anything?