Tech IndustryFeb 28, 2023

Is it too early to start building apps backed by ChatGPT?

I'm starting to build something as a side hustle that I do want to become a serious app, and right now I'm just playing around with it, but I just realized I can hit the rate limit even with just normal conversation. I know there is no API right now but there are some open-source proxies, and I was planning to start building with these proxies and switch to the actual API when it's out. However, if it can't handle around 100 questions per hour, I don't see how it can handle say 10s of 1000s of questions per second with an API (or if I upgrade to Plus can it really handle this amount of traffic?). Also it seems like it can't handle synchronous questions from the same account. Should I just wait for OpenAI to release the API to see how much traffic it can handle and whether they will expand their servers, etc? Maybe ChatGPT is just meant as a personal assistant and not something you can back apps by. #ChatGPT #tech #AI #ML

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drugs Feb 28, 2023

Have you looked at nanogpt :)

Meta BRNw54 Feb 28, 2023

You can't build on chatGPT that uses your account. You can build on GPT3 though, but be prepared for paying up to 2 cents for 1000 tokens.

Palantir HRYu55 OP Feb 28, 2023

I do want a chatbot though.

Meta BRNw54 Feb 28, 2023

GPT3 can be a chatbot. Just prompt it with a chatbot style prompt. ChatGPT might release an API too that is similar to what it does now, but still, be prepared to pay.

Plaid plucpluc3k Feb 28, 2023

It’s too late now

Palantir HRYu55 OP Feb 28, 2023


Qualtrics Crypto$$$ Feb 28, 2023

Sell shovels in gold rush. 🧐