wineJun 7

Chimney Rock

winery name: Chimney Rock -tasting experience: 3/10, beautiful/distinct building & interior, built in the 80s based on the Cape Dutch architecture but the glowing review stops there. the staff was pretty impersonal and even robotic. the signature tomahawk cab was young and didnt quite open up. considering that this wine is situated in the heart of stags leap, we had high expectations similar to its neighbors. visit worth it for the unique architecture only -tasting $: $70 taste of terroir, or $125 for library tasting but their signature wine pours are mainly via library, which should be sub $100 -reservations: Yes, but can be made 1-2 weeks in advance -membership: 5/10 Yes, 20-25% discount on a 4/8/12 allocation. worth it if u like their sister wineries, Rutherford Hill & Sanford. (Winery owned by Terlato Group) -revisit: No, worth visiting once for the ambiance, wine and the experience was not memorable

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