
Does anyone have a good example of career development plans?

I've received feedback from my team that they want more support with their career growth. While I try to provide constructive feedback during 1:1s, it seems like they are looking for something more structured. Personally, I've never felt the need for a formal career development plan. None of my managers provided one for me, and I always knew what I wanted to achieve and how to get there on my own. However, I understand my team might have different needs, and I recognize it’s my responsibility to support them. Career growth is a broad topic, so I’m curious how do you help your team with this? Do you have a good example or format of a career development plan?

Mod@iOQ4yiR Jun 13

EMs have many responsibilities, including project deliveries, which can make it challenging to focus on career development plans. However, it is important to regularly evaluate where each team member stands in relation to the career ladder expectations. Encourage your team members to write their own development plans initially, and then assist in refining these plans. While not all aspects will align, some should match the company's career ladder and leveling expectations. ChatGPT generated the following good example but there wouldn't be THE template: -------------------- #### 1. **Current Skill Assessment** **Technical Skills:** - Proficient in Java, Python, and JavaScript. - Experience with React.js and Node.js. - Basic knowledge of SQL and NoSQL databases. - Familiarity with Git and version control. **Soft Skills:** - Strong problem-solving abilities. - Effective communication and teamwork. - Basic understanding of agile methodologies. **Areas for Improvement:** - Advanced knowledge of data structures and algorithms. - DevOps and CI/CD pipelines. - Cloud computing (AWS, Azure, GCP). - Leadership and project management skills. --- #### 2. **Short-Term Goals (6-12 months)** **Technical Goals:** - Complete an advanced course in data structures and algorithms. - Get certified in AWS Solutions Architect – Associate. - Contribute to open-source projects to gain practical experience in various technologies. - Improve understanding and implementation of CI/CD pipelines. **Soft Skills Goals:** - Attend workshops or webinars on effective communication and teamwork. - Participate in cross-functional team projects to enhance collaboration skills. - Seek feedback from peers and mentors regularly. **Action Plan:** - Enroll in an online advanced data structures and algorithms course by July 2024. - Register for the AWS certification exam and study using online resources and courses. - Dedicate 5 hours a week to contribute to open-source projects. - Attend monthly workshops on communication skills and team collaboration. - Schedule bi-weekly meetings with a mentor for feedback. --- #### 3. **Medium-Term Goals (1-3 years)** **Technical Goals:** - Gain expertise in a second programming language (e.g., Go or Rust). - Lead a small team on a project to develop leadership skills. - Achieve proficiency in microservices architecture and containerization (Docker, Kubernetes). - Obtain another certification in cloud computing or DevOps. **Soft Skills Goals:** - Develop project management skills through formal training. - Improve public speaking and presentation skills by presenting at least once a quarter in team meetings or conferences. - Foster a mentoring relationship with junior developers. **Action Plan:** - Start learning Go or Rust via online courses and practice projects. - Volunteer to lead a small internal project within the team. - Enroll in a microservices architecture course and start implementing these practices in projects. - Complete a project management certification program. - Join a local Toastmasters club or similar organization to improve public speaking skills. - Mentor at least one junior developer, providing guidance and support. --- #### 4. **Long-Term Goals (3-5 years)** **Technical Goals:** - Become a subject matter expert (SME) in a specific area (e.g., AI/ML, cybersecurity, cloud-native applications). - Transition to a Senior Software Engineer or Technical Lead position. - Contribute to technical blogs or publish articles in industry journals. - Explore opportunities for speaking at industry conferences and events. **Soft Skills Goals:** - Develop strategic thinking and business acumen. - Build a strong professional network within the industry. - Enhance conflict resolution and negotiation skills. **Action Plan:** - Identify a specialization area and pursue advanced courses and certifications. - Take on more complex projects and responsibilities to demonstrate readiness for a senior role. - Write and publish at least one technical article every six months. - Attend and speak at industry conferences and networking events. - Participate in strategic planning meetings to gain insights into business operations. - Enroll in conflict resolution and negotiation workshops. --- #### 5. **Monitoring and Review** - **Monthly:** Review progress on short-term goals, adjust action plans as necessary. - **Quarterly:** Meet with a mentor or manager to discuss progress and receive feedback. - **Annually:** Conduct a comprehensive review of progress towards medium and long-term goals, and adjust the career development plan as needed. --- #### 6. **Resources and Support** - **Online Courses:** Coursera, Udemy, Pluralsight, LinkedIn Learning. - **Certifications:** AWS, Google Cloud, Project Management Institute (PMI). - **Mentorship:** Pairing with a senior engineer within the company. - **Professional Organizations:** IEEE, ACM, local tech meetups.