
Google “Early Career Software Engineer” interview process?

Has anyone gone though the hiring process for this role? I have a second phone interview coming up. What should I expect? I saw some other post about this being the new grad role/interview process but with no sources/experience. Is that so, or should I prepare for the worst? The recruiters are being really vague. Thanks TC:155 YOE: 1.5 #Google #engineering #interview

IBM rLeI77 Sep 6, 2021

Went through it. Aced the first phone round, bombed the second, rejected and have to wait for a year. Feels bad

NotNorman OP Sep 6, 2021

How hard was the second round?

IBM rLeI77 Sep 6, 2021

Wasn’t overly hard. I just blanked. Mind just went completely blank on writing a recursive pass.

Infosys BRY47 🍌 Sep 6, 2021

Phone screen is almost always an LC medium done on Google docs, especially so for an early career swe role.

DoorDash JohnDenero Sep 6, 2021

It’s lc only. My interview was lc med-hard

NotNorman OP Sep 6, 2021

How many rounds were there?

Financial Services Company lapiz Sep 6, 2021

I only got 1 phone screen, lc medium. Also I don’t think it’s for people without experience since Theres a separate job posting for new grads. Correct me if I’m wrong though

IBM rLeI77 Sep 6, 2021

It isn’t new grad per se. it’s for the L3 role. 1-3 yrs experience

NotNorman OP Sep 6, 2021

Did you get rejected after the first round? I have the second round next week. Did you get info on what it looks like?

Apple mersh777 Sep 6, 2021

Went through this process and got an offer about a month ago, skipped phone screens because of another exploding offer and went straight to full site loop. Had the option of interviewing for either L3 or L4 (I chose L3), with question difficulty being the same for both just harsher judging for L4. No system design, mainly LC mediums.

NCR Corporation Xchje Sep 6, 2021

Grats! Is the TC offered same/more than standard new grad offer?

Amazon yizP12 Sep 6, 2021

How was the onsite difficulty?

Obneiric Sep 6, 2021

Does anyone know if they'll still have headcount same time next year? I have 2 offers on the table and G recruiter only just reached out to me 😪

Bloomberg Thapricorn Sep 6, 2021

Sadly, I think not. They have had minimal L3 headcount for years now, which is why they seem to be aggressively hiring this time around.