
Google L7, MSFT L67 or Amazon L7

I have PM offers from all three. Comp is listed below. Google is overall better from comp perspective. MSFT,I like the WLB and future stock growth aspect. I was previously at Amazon and liked the less political working environment. Given current state of situation in different cloud groups/ which one would blind community folks at these level recommend especially who have made similar transitions? Are there any other upsides to Google L7 compared to MSFT or Amazon? I have created a poll. Would appreciate if folks can leave a comment for their choice. All comps are first 4 years. Google L7- 875K MSFT L67 -750K Amazon L7-650K #google #amazon #microsoft #productmanager

80 Participants
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Google hext1 2d

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Amazon L8engineer 2d

Go with MS. Google and Amazon still need to find their way in AI

Apple wapwapwap 2d

Everything is about AI these days, even if what OP is doing is not specific to AI, OP should make this decision based on AI.

ByteDance Neehaw 2d

Amazon and non political doesn’t seem compute well. If it’s not political now it will be eventually once the inevitable reorg occurs.

Amazon perfmax 2d

True this!

Apple wapwapwap 2d

For 100k more I ll stick with Google. Granted it's not the best of the 3 in terms of cloud but they are good enough. Plus if you were able to get all 3 and have worked at Amazon before you can clearly get back into any of these 3 in future. Ultimately your team and org matter more than just the company but decide based on whats most important to u. WLB, money, Role etc

Amazon detech 2d


bli7 OP 2d

17 Yrs

Apple DeYvZ38 2d

Google for sure for that TC. Wow I didn’t realize the PM market for L7 was pretty good, I’ll be brushing up soon

Salesforce srstaffmle 2d

Care to break down on Google TC?

bli7 OP 2d

$1.8M equity.rest base plus sign on for G.

Amazon abcdxyzzz 2d

Is this IC or manager role? Also location? TC seems pretty good

bli7 OP 2d

IC at G and Amazon. Manager in MSFT in Bay Area.

Google goo-goo 2d

Mind sharing a bit on the comp process at G? Currently in team match.

Amazon ghtyfg 2d

Hi OP what's your domain?

Amazon ghtyfg 2d

Are these high salaries domain specific? And which domains are hiring right now?