Onboarding at Meta, suggestions on Laptop to choose

Hi All, Accepted a role as a BizOps Mgr at Meta/ FB and wondering if there are any preferences for laptop selection between a PC or Mac in the BizOps space? Been using a PC for a couple of years and super comfortable with it, but not sure if there will be any sort of app functionality issues I might come across if I don't switch over to a Mac given how popular they are in Tech. #tech #meta #facebook #bizops

HPE chickfillb Dec 20, 2021


Kaiser Permanente whEw68 OP Dec 20, 2021

Sorry was scrambling on my phone typing this out, thanks for the heads up

Microsoft 💀⛳️ Dec 20, 2021

You’ll be fine either way

Meta fyRE48 Dec 20, 2021

Linux. Make it weird.

Meta ovEL03 Dec 20, 2021

You’re going to code on remote servers so it doesn’t make a difference what you choose really

aooman Dec 20, 2021

Go for a PC and install Arch Linux yourself.

Amazon trashNoob Dec 20, 2021

Gentoo linux on a chrome book is the only way

Meta Kng84g Dec 20, 2021


Adobe l0s Dec 20, 2021

Most suggestions completely ignoring the fact OP is a BizOps manager. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

aooman Dec 20, 2021

Dude, sarcasm…

Meta zuckerbro Dec 20, 2021

Are you sure you get a choice? I think we just got handed over Macs without a choice.

Kaiser Permanente whEw68 OP Dec 20, 2021

I can chose between MacBook Pro 13 and 16 modes and Lenovo T14s and X1 Carbon models.

Intel hgt6489 Dec 20, 2021

Op, Can you dm me? How did you get PC option? Does it show in "select equipment" page? I don't get any PC option.

Deloitte fb0122 Dec 20, 2021

I recently signed the offer and I got an option to select Mac or Windows. Same thing goes with Phone. I got option of 13 pro vs some Samsung model.

Kaiser Permanente whEw68 OP Dec 20, 2021

What’d you go with?

Deloitte fb0122 Dec 20, 2021

I’ve been using Apple for a while now so I opted for Mac and 13 pro.