SWEs who coded in both Java Spring and RoR, which one you will pick to quickly launch web app back end MVP and also BE

….And also back end for a mobile app. Also explain why #tech

35 Participants
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Cisco WgpH01 2d

I would say the one that you are most familiar with

Jacobs glvsnost 2d

Neither lol, gross 🤢 I would use a React/Typescript frontend with Node or Python backend. For MVP I'd use AWS lambdas to not have to continuously run a server. Even cheaper would be to use Heroku.

ex-Walmart xBcs75 2d

None , react FE and python BE

Amazon daji96 2d

🤮🤮🤮 ewww who tf use Java for MVP in 2024 This is the worst language I've worked till date Also RoR, you still living in 2010 or what Ever heard of nodejs or python

Jacobs glvsnost 2d

I agree Java is a fucking mess to work. I mean come fucking on. DTO/DAO/Repository? Wtf is that. Everything has to be modeled and typed or it takes a fat shit in production. No. F that.

Amazon daji96 2d

same dude, I was working in golang & python before working in Java @ amazon It was a torture, a nightmare MF at Amazon use Java for everything even for writing lambdas, fking use python & Old farts here have very strong opinions on any other languages bcoz these lazy a*s don't want to learn anything new. Just like OP who want to use spring boot for MVP, cmon 🤦😂

easyrest 2d

Never used RoR but I tried to build a MVP in Spring Boot before. There’s lots of boiler plate, but it’s great once you get the ball rolling. Spring security works great with auth0.

Amazon xzzy 2d

Typescript React frontend, Typescript serverless or Fastify backend

X bdjekabsma 2d

ROR will be very quick for your initial iterations. You can always move out of it once you have enough traction. Speed is everything early on.

DigitalOcean rajeeeeesh 2d

You can quickly launch in ROR, but you will face issues hiring people to maintain that later. Java is simply more widespread. I would also recommend you to take a look at Flask, it’s dead simple if you just want to launch it quickly and it’s in python which means almost all CS students out of school would know.