Tech IndustryDec 8, 2021

What to say for new interviewer if you recently moved jobs

I recently moved out of my current company (SAP) to a Big4 consulting. But I have an interview for a FAANG company. What do you say to the interviewer of why do you want to change your jobs so soon? #tech #faang

MasterCard nh4g6c Dec 8, 2021

Not a culture fit.

Booz Allen Hamilton DxeI53 Dec 8, 2021

Whatever you do don’t disparage your current employer because it’s unprofessional and doesn’t paint you in a flattering light. I think it’s fair to say that you left SAP to join Big4 for X reason and after working at Big4 for Y months you’ve realized it isn’t a good mutual fit because it doesn’t fulfill X need so you’re looking for opportunities that do. If you have previous periods of employment that are long then that should suffice and the recruiter shouldn’t worry about job hopping

Coupa MugF21 Dec 8, 2021

It happens, particularly in this market. I would agree not to disparage your current employer, and follow Dxel53 advise. I am in the same boat and it worked.