Aggressive 401k/IRA allocation

I tried Fidelity and Vanguard planning tools but they default back to an ok risk/reward allocation. I want 95% stocks allocation. What do you have in portfolio which is high risk/high reward. I can take a bit of a risk. Thinking about rebalancing after Jan 20th, post Biden transition and converting everything into cash right now. TC; $400k (mostly paper money though) #personalfinance #investments #401k #ira

Apple birdodoggo Dec 17, 2020

I have my 401k allocated into half 500 index tracker, half extended market. If you want more risk, you could buy more specific funds - the Fidelity Contrafund might be interesting to you - but IMO putting your retirement onto total stock is fine, and if you want riskier investments, do that in a normal brokerage account or with your IRA, not your 401k.

Apple birdodoggo Dec 17, 2020

And depending on your time to retirement you may just want to buy funds now, trying to time the market based on inauguration isnโ€™t a great idea, just let your retirement funds ride

Santa Barbara Auto Group ralexp Dec 17, 2020

look at vanguard ETF funds VGT and VUG