Average salary for Deloitte Consultant under GPS

What is the average salary for a consultant (not senior level) in the Core Business Operations sector under GPS? #deloitte #consulting

Deloitte kr124 Nov 2, 2020

I think it’s 80-100k

Deloitte LeRM24 Nov 2, 2020

$95K is what they usually give.... in 2018 my friends and myself applied and we all got the same offer of $95K like literally 5 of us...

Deloitte nanpython Nov 2, 2020

I’m in core business operations and consultant get around 80-95k.

Deloitte Bisqit Nov 2, 2020

Senior consultant I get 91

Optum assets Dec 2, 2020

Was offered 140 from them for sr in the past

Deloitte solsurvivr Jul 27, 2021

For senior consultant? Was this in GPS or Consulting?

Deloitte nlYs87 Aug 30, 2021

not sure what they would have initially offered, but they matched $110k for GPS consulting Core Business at Consultant level for me