Tech IndustryMar 24, 2023
Connor Grouptopsecret2


Joined Fidelity Investment as SWE after MS in CS and with 3 years of experience in Data Engineering. Getting paid 95k, how underpaid am I?

Amazon kyubbi Mar 24, 2023


JayzNoCent Mar 24, 2023

Severely underpaid. Youโ€™re making just below the average. Plus you have experience to couple with the degree so you should be over six figures easily.

Investment Bank Bi-Coastal Mar 24, 2023

Have you checked Glassdoor to see what other data engineers at Fidelity are being paid. $95K seems quite low considering your Master's degree, but Fidelity is not known for industry-leading pay. (I used to work at the Merrimack Fidelity campus when it was DEC.)