COVID-19Sep 8, 2021

I am kinda freeked out

I am kinda freeked out. I got single dose JNJ vaccine which had 69% protection from the original COVID strain against severe illness. If it only propected against the original COVID strain by only 69%, how the fuck will it protect me against delta. Healthy individuals fully vaccinated with Pfizer are getting delta symptoms, how will JNJ protect me. I asked my doctor if I can get Pfizer and she says no. No one is talking about JnJ boosters.

Flagged by the community.
Google rYYb50 OP Sep 8, 2021

Fuck off. Why would you say that. Very inappropriate

Autodesk TDC968 Sep 8, 2021

Indeed, Indeed. These non-work related mental health posts spam Blind.

Apple cQmA53 Sep 8, 2021

Mask up. Avoid people. Stay home.

Google rYYb50 OP Sep 8, 2021

Until when. Mask protects others. Not you. People don't wear good quality masks. They wear freeking 1 month old masks that offer little to no protection. They are just for show.

Apple cQmA53 Sep 8, 2021

Until either anti maskers die off or people smarten up and get vaccines

Coinbase monkahmm Sep 8, 2021

Gg, I hope you repent on your sins of not posting TC & YOE when you die.

Google rYYb50 OP Sep 8, 2021

You don't take TC and YoE to your grave.

Coinbase monkahmm Sep 8, 2021

Well I can't take your TC & YoE, cause you didn't tell it to me 🤬

Google borb Sep 8, 2021

What are you freaking out for?? It’s not like you just had a close contact with a Covid patient.

Google rYYb50 OP Sep 8, 2021

How would I know when I'm grocery shopping etc.

Instacart maplebull Sep 8, 2021

Outsource that

Amazon kkyatwzz38 Sep 8, 2021

make sure you have beneficiaries declared for all your insurace

Google rYYb50 OP Sep 8, 2021

All my beneficiaries have also gotten JnJ

Okta fGPN61 Sep 8, 2021

I have heard people from uae who got other vaccines are asked to get a Pfizer booster shot.

Microsoft lilypad💮 Sep 8, 2021

I got JNJ and later also got Pfizer just to be safe. It’s been months now and I don’t have any side effects

Google rYYb50 OP Sep 8, 2021

Oh wow. Really. Did your doctor recommend it or you just got it yourself. Have you gotten quantitative antibody test ?

Microsoft lilypad💮 Sep 8, 2021

I just got it myself. No antibody test - what for?

This comment was deleted by the original commenter.
Google rYYb50 OP Sep 8, 2021

Why would you call it a troll.

Google rYYb50 OP Sep 8, 2021

There have been studies of post on blind. Lol.

Hamilton! Sep 8, 2021

Find peace OP. Delta is a past now. We have Mu variant in the market.

ZS wtev11 Sep 9, 2021

So little information about mu out there. Doubt it will be as prevalent as delta was

Twilio GXfR74 Sep 8, 2021

It’s 66% effective against infection and 95% effective against death from the delta variant according to an august clinical trial posted by aamc. You’re fine just mask and wash your hands