Worth it to join Google now?

For an offer to join Google at L5 right now, in Mountain View. Would you join? What’s your take? People at Google, aiming to join/interviewing, or former Google especially please share thoughts.

53 Participants
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Google xiydi 3d

Depends on the offer?

General Motors .xlsx OP 3d

L5 PM, middle of the road according to levels.fyi

Workday F15 3d

Compared to GM??? What do you think

General Motors .xlsx OP 3d

Better question is, compared to Workday, what do you think? Would you join if you got an L5 offer at Mountain View?

Workday F15 3d

That’s actually a tough question because I don’t find Google a particularly compelling place to work, I’m also already in Bay Area so my considerations to move are lower than if I had to move from Michigan for example. But what would make me say yes: - 20% pay increase from current role - compelling project/team - potential to grow career with promo - not GCP That’s basically it lol

Google fineli 3d

What are your alternatives? People whine about how bad things have become, but it's still better than most Fortune 500 companies. Are other FAANGs or Microsoft better? Probably the same. Going to a fancy AI startup is likely more fun.

General Motors .xlsx OP 3d

What do people whine about internally? What’s the scoop? Have people been jumping ship?

Google fineli 3d

Whining mostly happens on Blind. Main issues are bureaucracy is getting to be like other big companies and targeted layoffs are hurting morale. Pay and stress is still decent compared to other FAANGs. There doesn't seem to be a big exodus because there's no where to go.

Google M3j1 3d

Join asap and thank me later

Google meowthy 3d


Google french fry 3d

I like it here, my main complaints are about the location rather than Goog itself.

General Motors .xlsx OP 3d

Which location?
