Tech IndustryFeb 1, 2023

Consumer Insights (market research) roles for AI Companies

First off Blind Tax YOE: 8.5 years TC 100k I am interested in what's happening in the AI space for consumers. Been at my agency for a while and looking to jump client-side. Are consumer insights/research roles typically available at AI companies? OpenAI has a Research Residency program, but it's more for pivoting into researching AI itself. I am not against that, but I am likely super underqualified.

Meta Xrtee Feb 1, 2023

Do you think companies like IPSOS will exist in the future? Will AI automate this type of market research?

Ipsos NC89 OP Feb 1, 2023

I am asking about current job openings, so this question isn't totally relevant. But in some form, yes. The same debate question came up 8 years ago with how "Big Data" would wipe out Market Research. This never happened, and instead we are using big data with our survey data to better link how consumers feel vs what they do. AI will wipe out MR when it can accurately predict what a consumer is thinking and how they feel. By then, agencies will probably have adopted AI to model response patterns of respondents anyways. We won't be delivering just responses from the data but fully detailed personas. We sit on a trove of data from surveys, that are ripe to be modeled or fed into an AI. I guess it's the same debate about how AI will replace all engineers and write its own code.Sureโ€”down the line it will, but right now it still takes an engineer to check copy/pasted code from AI or GitHub.