Google Hiring Committee Approval

I finished my team matching, two teams were interested in me and I decided to go with a hiring manager who was old timer and was very interested in me. My application went to Hiring Committee and it was not approved. Recruiter communicated that HC raised few questions around my application and at the moment they didn't approve it and he is exploring other options to-see if we can still move forward. I asked for some more info but i didn't get any response back. I believe recruiter don't want to share any more information at this point of time. Can someone who have been in hiring committee or in similar situation give some insight on this situation. Below are some of the possible scenarios i have been thinking The team i choose works in an area where i didn't have any past experience so HC might have raised that issue or May be there were two applications for same role and HC decided in favor of other candidate and now recruiter is trying to find another team for me or HC asked for some more clarifying question on my interviews and recruiter is connecting with my interviewers for more info. Or HC felt that my feedback was not strong enough for the role #google #googlehiringcommittee #googlehc

Yelp B.Obama May 8, 2021

Did you receive feedback about your interviews?

Walmart wmrt1234 OP May 8, 2021

Recruiter didn't give the exact rating but mentioned that I have 4 yes and one may be no. He called that feedback an outlier and said rest of the feedback are very consistent and 3 are strong.

Yelp B.Obama May 8, 2021

3 strong hires sound good man.

Salesforce @spire May 8, 2021

I don't think HC would really care about team fit. They care mostly about your interview perf. Looks like it's very rare as flipping coin without an outcome. Embrace it until some certain result

EMC notaxx May 8, 2021

What the hell is wrong with Google hiring. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

dokitruck May 8, 2021

What is the meaning of not approve but also not reject? Does it mean on hold?

Walmart wmrt1234 OP May 8, 2021

I assumed that from recruiter's feedback (at the moment its not approved) and recruiter mentioned he is looking for other option.

Microsoft sfg May 8, 2021

The possible outcome from HC could be any of these Approved, Approved but low level, Rejected or Hold. Hold happens when they see one of your interview feedback is weak and they want to get more support on that before moving forward like coding/design etc. One of the option could be one more interview in the area of concern to double confirm. Yeah, overall very tedious process and will make anxious while waiting. Try meditation and all the best!

Microsoft zIIP21 May 8, 2021

I was approved but one level lower than what I interviewed for. However, the recruiter said the HC would like me to interview for one extra round to take a shot at the original level. Is this common? I'm quite anxious indeed, since it's not a clearcut death or alive...

Microsoft sfg May 8, 2021

Yeah it's quite common and Google is known to low-ball people ( Might be high hiring bar). It could be same result even with one extra round as they might look for super positive result from that interview to sway towards L5. But it doesn't hurt to go for another interview unless you are in hurry!

Microsoft VTrh88 May 8, 2021

OP, what's your YoE? What level did you apply for?

Facebook boatyboat May 8, 2021

I’m going through similar. Recruiter said my feedback was “mixed” and my case in borderline L4/L5. Wish I had done better but what can you do? Their interviews are difficult

Facebook SandOfTime May 8, 2021

It’s simply google being google: dramas ensured