Looking for Referrals to Tech Companies

Hi Blind community. I’m looking for referrals to any Tech companies in the Bay, SoCal or NYC. I’m applying for Machine Learning Engineer and Software Engineer positions. Please leave a comment or DM and I will send you my info. YoE: 5+ in DS, ML, SWE, TC: 230k, first time preparing for Leetcode and System Design, but I should be ready (150+ LC) for on-site in a few weeks. Have referrals for apple, meta, google, linkedin. Any other companies would be appreciated. Thank you in advance! #swe #engineering #software #referral #hiring #jobhunt #microsoft #slack #paypal #twitter #dropbox #amazon #atlassian #brex #instacart #square #twilio #faang #datadog #snowflake #rubrik #bloomberg #stripe #snap #lyft #uber #spotify #robinhood #yelp #vmware

Amazon -sdm- May 8, 2022

I’m an engineering manager at Amazon. Happy to take a look at your resume then send over a referral and/or tell you about openings on our team if appropriate. Shoot me a DM with the resume :)

HP CeRQ54 OP May 8, 2022

Thank you so much!

Ola kalli May 9, 2022

Hey, Do you have any opening for sde1 in India Location?

Atlassian dm4refer May 8, 2022

DM for Atlassian

SAP webermax91 May 8, 2022

Dm for SAP

Microsoft int i; May 8, 2022

DM for Microsoft India

HP CeRQ54 OP May 10, 2022

Thanks. I would love to get referrals for microsoft but I am US based :(

Microsoft int i; May 10, 2022

I can refer you but don't know how much will it help you to fetch an interview call. Try someone at the same location, if no-one helps ping me I ll refer

Attentive JXKM55 May 8, 2022

DM for Attentive

ByteDance whatsthis/ May 8, 2022

DM for TikTok if interested

Capital One IOdX11 May 9, 2022

Dm for Twilio

Dropbox dbx2022 May 11, 2022

Dm for dropbox

Meta LongFB May 17, 2022

DM for Meta