Should I take a break for a few years?

45M, 3 kids and a spouse, lives in MCOL. Monthly expense 8k. 3M+ investments (brokerage + IRAs + Solo 401k) Paid off house. Kids education fully funded through 529 (separate from 3M above). No debt. Can I afford to take a break for few years? TC: 480k #personal finance

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ByteDance stugaz 3d

No because health insurance. Get to work, wageslave!

BCBSKS smmL38 OP 3d

That’s one of my worries. Here is what I am hoping - 20 more years before Medicare kicks in. ACA has plans for 1400/month. For 20 years it equates to 336,000. Assuming my investment growth matches the healthcare inflation (~4%), I should be good, no?

Expedia Group tundras 3d

1400 a month for the entire family? with a reasonable deductible? that actually seems low for 4+ person family.

McKinsey sup3rbad1 3d

Great job man! How much did you save for 529 plan per kid

BCBSKS smmL38 OP 3d

300k for the oldest. 8 years away from college. 150k for the youngest ones. About 15 years away from college

Amazon sto0x 3d

Oh that’s solid! Congrats!

Keurig Dr Pepper Inc. dinosaur68 3d

Tech or finance role?

BCBSKS smmL38 OP 3d


Intel qjxnsj 3d

You can take a break forever if you want.

BCBSKS smmL38 OP 3d

I don’t believe so. I am still 45. At 3% SWR, I am still short my monthly goals for a permanent FIRE. Somebody pointed out healthcare costs above and that’s one of my worries. Being unemployable if I want to rejoin the workforce later is another worry.

Salesforce hq9fa25vh 3d

Life is short, you seem to be in great position to enjoy a break , I would say definitely go for it

NbsA26 3d

Take a year. Test the water and go back if u want a job again.

NbsA26 3d

How much is your house worth?

anthony_ 3d

work another 4-5 years and retire. you have great tc.

Amazon AI Ashley 3d

Do you qualify for a sabbatical? I say look for a volunteer job abroad and take the entire family for the summer or do 6 months off work/freelance jobs. Alternative might be work for 3-5 more years and do a soft retirement at 50.

Meta justamazin 3d

Take a year or two. Decompress and refill. Getting back in will not be that hard, and you will live longer.