Tech IndustryAug 12, 2022

Snowflake Sales Engineer IC3 offer in Canada?

Currently about to get an offer from Snowflake in Canada for Sales Engineering and in the initial call they roughly quoted 150K CAD base + 50K CAD bonus + 80K USD RSUs (over 4 years, 25% each year). No signing bonus. Looks like it will be about ~ 226K CAD TC per year (150+50+20USD). Haven't negotiated yet. Doesn't this seem very low in terms of RSUs? Any idea on how much higher I could go? I was talking with Confluent a month ago, they were offering 180-220K OTE and 200K RSUs (no offer unfortunately) Currently at SAP in Pre-Sales making 162k CAD. YOE: 6 (4.5 in engineering 1.5 in pre-sales) TC 162k #snowflake

Mailchimp ehacuqv Aug 12, 2022

Great bump tho

SAP ARW1ng Aug 13, 2022

That doesnā€™t look bad at all. Specially for Canada and coming from SAP. Iā€™m around your ranges and Iā€™m struggling to get offers so Iā€™m scared I would take anything slightly better without negotiating properly just to jump ship. I would maybe try to push for more RSUs, say round them up to 100k, see if they bite.

SAP deGQ64 OP Aug 13, 2022

Ye it's not bad but when I was talking with Confluent a month ago, they were stating 180-220K base+bonus and 200K RSUs (no offer unfortunately). Most of FAANG (Google, Amazon, etc) offers around 200kish+ RSUs from what I hear for my level, which is like mid-senior level.

SAP ARW1ng Aug 15, 2022

Surprising to really see TCs like that in Canada, but also a bit excited, if itā€™s achievable. Hopefully youā€™ll get a good offer like that.

Google tundraa Aug 13, 2022

Try getting snow to up the OTE to 220 and that will be a good offer with your yoe

Ciena yhyA63 Aug 15, 2022

SEs dont make money on stocks...RSUs are always add on. See how frequently OTE is overachieved...thats how SE will make money... way more than RSU grants.